- What is the minimum order size?
- What is this small balance?
- What happens if the leverage recommended in the signal is not available?
- How do I check why I didn't enter a position?
- What are the differences between the entry mode?
- Position size
- Is it possible to create a STOP MARKET order?
- What is the compound function (auto invest)?
- How long does Anny monitors an open position?
- Can I make multiple entry orders for the same signal?
- When placing 2 entry orders with different amounts on the same signal, what is in the detailed position?
- Can I place another entry order after the auto invest order has been placed?
- How does the percentage trailing work?
- What does this Binance error means? Code 4061 Order’s position side doesn’t match user’s settings
- What does Monitoring price means?
- How can I drag the lines on the chart if they are close together?
- When a signal is sent, does Anny immediately creates the entry order or waits for the price to reach the range?
- Is the signal only executed once the signal is delivered to Telegram? What happens with the signal if the phone has no network or no battery?
- In case of telegram issues, does Anny operates normally?
- I have balance, why I didn't enter the trade?
- I didn't enter the signal, what could have happened?
- Why, when hitting the target, Anny placed the fractional "Take Profit" order but didn't raise the "Stop" order as it should?
- What is the "Panic Sell"?
- Why Anny executed the stop order but didn't notify me?
- Will "Take Profit" close also the balance that I had before the signal?
- Do I need to archive the signal after the take profit order is executed to avoid that Anny entries it again when the entry zone is reached?
- What does Conditional Orders OCO/OSO mean?