Pools management
Anny offers several tools for pool owners and their admins to manage them.
You can access your pool management area by clicking on "Dashboard" and scrolling down to the "Signals" or "Strategies" tab.
This panel provides information on revenue (last and current months), memberships, connection requests and payment history.
Members are automatically activated if it's a paid pool and payment is processed by Anny or if it's a profit sharing pool. If payment is not collected by Anny, then the admin will be required to accept membership upon payment confirmation. Members requesting connections will be listed so you can approve or reject them.
For member management, we have a dedicated article:
How can I manage my members?
By clicking "Payment history", you can access a list with the description of all payments done through Anny.
Edit, risk limit, signal integrations, telegram notifications, analytics, manage members and update commissions.
- Edit: Edit the description, configuration and contact information whenever necessary, click on "next" until the end and finally "submit".
- Risk limit: set a risk limit and signal frequency for the pool.
- Risk limit: defines the maximum risk exposure of capital across active signals that have not reached target 1. When the limit is hit, new signals will not be processed until the active ones hit target 1 or the admin sends signals to shift the stop-loss orders to lower-risk areas.
- No limit
- Define risk limit: the resulting sum of PnL over capital over all active stop loss orders.
A new position will not be opened if a signal is sent without stop-loss. - Define allocation limit: the resulting sum of capital allocated across active signals.
Signal pools can send signals that allocate more than 100%, leaving it up to the admin to block this limit if he wants to.
For Strategy pools, it is not allowed to allocate more than 100% of the allocation to active signals.
- Frequency: defines the maximum number of signals that can be processed over a specific interval of time.
Example 1: If the admin sets up 10 signals per 1h. This means that if 10 signals are sent, it will be blocked for 1 hour. The admin won't be able to send signals for 1 hour.
This is different from sending 10 signals per hour.
Example 2: If the admin sets up 10 signals per 24 hours, does not mean that he can send 10 signals per 24 hours, but when it reaches the limit, it will be blocked to send new signals for another 24 hours.
- Risk limit: defines the maximum risk exposure of capital across active signals that have not reached target 1. When the limit is hit, new signals will not be processed until the active ones hit target 1 or the admin sends signals to shift the stop-loss orders to lower-risk areas.
Signal integrations: After creating your signal pool, it's necessary to define how the signal integration will be if it won't be created through Anny.
The integration can be done in 3 ways: by Telegram, API or TradingView.
Telegram integration
API integration
TradingView integration - Analytics: Analytics it's a very valuable report for the pool owner and admins as it brings valuable information.
Active members, members with auto invest ON, total investment allocated.
Signal performance: Performance, frequency and best performing members. For a better understanding of price target statistics and the methodology used, visit the link below:
Signal Provider Statistics