Basic tips
New around here?
Here are some basic tips from the "positions" tab that you need to know!
- Did you know that you can access Anny absolutely free of charge, along with enjoying a 0% transaction fee? Just sign up through our affiliate link on Binance, ByBit, Bitget, or OKX.
Click here to learn more. - If you use Binance as an exchange have BNB balance to pay their fees and maximize your profits.
When you don't use BNB to pay the fee, you use the coin that you are buying to pay for the fee. This will cause your balance to be broken to decimal places. Binance has specific trading rules for each currency and most of them don't accept order amounts with decimal places. Find out more by clicking here. - Don't, under any circumstances, change your positions directly on the Exchange. Everything needs to be done by Anny so that she recognizes the position and doesn't lose sync. For example, closing a position directly on Binance causes Anny to lose sync as she still has an open balance for the currency. Learn how to change a position through Anny.
You can LIQUIDATE multiple signals at the same time. Simply click the "LIQUIDATE" button under active positions, and select the signals you want to liquidate. You have the option to select all, only those that are at a profit OR only those that are at a loss.
Likewise, it is also possible to ARCHIVE several signals at the same time. You have the option to select all who haven't made an entry, only those who are being monitored, or only those who haven't made an entry.
Closed positions vs Analytics: Closed positions will show all closed positions of the day. But the PNL shown will only be added to the performance results (shown on top) at the end of the day when they are archived and go to the analytics tab.
But you can always click on "Compound results" to aggregate your closed positions into your performance history. -
PNL over volume: The PnL over volume indicates the gains obtained over the trading volume for a given period. PNL over capital: indicates the gains obtained over the allocated capital into a given signal pool, copy trading or bot. If the trade was created by you, it will refer to the gain obtained in relation to your account balance at the moment of the trade creation. Learn more by clicking here