Take profit (close via TradingView)
The "Signal id" field within the TradingView message serves the purpose of specifying which particular position should be closed when you intend to exit a trade.
In cases where the "Signal id" is not provided, all active signals opened by the bot for that specific symbol will be impacted, and all corresponding positions will be closed.
The "Signal id" field consists of alphanumeric characters and has a maximum length of 20 characters. Its role is crucial in enabling Anny's bot to accurately pinpoint the correct position for closure.
By including the correct "Signal id" in the message, you ensure that only the intended position is closed, leaving other positions unaffected.
Entry: {"symbol":"BTCUSDT","invest":"10%","signalId":"john123"}
Close: {"symbol":"BTCUSDT"","type":"close","signalId":"john123"}
Close: {"symbol":"BTCUSDT"","type":"close","signalId":"john123"}